By Akhil Shastry

In today’s interconnected world, the Internet of Things (IoT) has revolutionized the way we live and work. IoT devices have become an integral part of our daily lives, from smart thermostats and wearable fitness trackers to autonomous vehicles and industrial sensors. However, as our reliance on these devices grows, so do the security risks associated with them. In this post, the security risks posed by IoT devices will be explored in addition to the importance of securing them to mitigate potential harms.

Benefits of Securing Devices

Securing IoT devices is vital to protect sensitive data. These devices often collect and transmit personal information, including health data and home security details. By implementing robust security measures, we can ensure that this information remains confidential and out of the reach of malicious actors [1]. Unsecured IoT devices can be a gateway for cybercriminals to gain unauthorized access to our networks. Once inside, they can potentially compromise other devices and systems. Implementing strong authentication and encryption mechanisms can prevent such intrusions [2]. Hackers can exploit unsecured IoT devices to tamper with their functionality. This could have catastrophic consequences in sectors like healthcare and critical infrastructure. Securing devices ensures that their intended functions are preserved and protected from manipulation [3]. Trust is a cornerstone of the IoT ecosystem. Users are more likely to embrace IoT technology when they feel their devices are secure. This not only benefits individual users but also the companies producing and deploying these devices [4].

Harms of Inadequate Device Security

Though benefits of security have been discussed, harms of not securing devices is just as important to understand. Insufficient security measures can lead to breaches of user privacy. When unauthorized parties access data from IoT devices, it can be exploited for nefarious purposes, such as identity theft or stalking [5]. IoT devices are frequently targeted for the formation of botnets. These networks of compromised devices can be used for distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks, disrupting online services and websites [6]. In certain contexts, such as connected medical devices and autonomous vehicles, inadequate security can result in physical harm or even loss of life. The potential for accidents due to tampering with these devices underscores the urgency of security [7]. Businesses that deploy IoT devices without adequate security measures can suffer significant financial losses due to data breaches, regulatory fines, and reputational damage [8].


The proliferation of IoT devices has ushered in unprecedented convenience and innovation, but it has also introduced a host of security risks. Securing these devices is paramount to protect sensitive data, prevent unauthorized access, and maintain the integrity of their operations. The benefits of securing IoT devices, including data protection, trust, and prevention of physical harm, are clear and compelling. Simultaneously, the harms of neglecting security, such as privacy breaches, botnet attacks, and economic losses, highlight the urgency of addressing this issue. In this interconnected world, securing IoT devices is not merely a best practice but a moral and ethical obligation. It is incumbent upon individuals, businesses, and IoT manufacturers to prioritize and invest in robust security measures to ensure a safer and more resilient digital future.


[1] Smith, K. “IoT Security: How to Protect Your Devices and Data.” Forbes. 2021 [accessed 2023 Oct 20]. Available from:

[2] “Internet of Things (IoT) Cybersecurity Improvement Act of 2020.” [accessed 2023 Oct 15]. Available from:

[3] “Securing the Internet of Things.” US-CERT. [accessed 2023 Oct 20]. Available from:

[4] Moore, S. “Building Trust in IoT: How to Design Secure IoT Devices.” IoT For All. 2021 [accessed 2023 Oct 18]. Available from:

[5] “IoT Privacy and Security Challenges.” Internet Society. [accessed 2023 Oct 20]. Available from:

[6] Mimoso, M. “Persirai IoT Botnet Growing Rapidly.” Threatpost. 2017 [accessed 2023 Oct 22]. Available from:

[7] Greenberg, A. “Hacked Medical Devices Can Threaten Patient Health.” Wired. 2019 [accessed 2023 Oct 17]. Available from:

[8] “The Economic and Business Case for IoT Security.” Dark Reading. 2020 [accessed 2023 Oct 19]. Available from:

About the Author:

Akhil Shastry is a High School Senior in Ellicott City, Maryland. Currently he is developing algorithms to detect security vulnerabilities within IoT devices, and in his free time he enjoys participating in CTF competitions.

Published On: October 31st, 2023 / Categories: STEM Fellowship Journal /